“Whisker” is a cat habitat affixed to the wall. Its essence calls the simplicity, It provides 3 elevations in the same place by the main ring and a crossing shelf.
The product contains the rest area made by a foam bed under the inside part of the ring. Also has a sheet cork used to do what cats most do, scratch. It is situated on the top of the ring.


After exhausting market research, we write down the following common features about the pet’s houses.
Most materials used: wood, plastic and foam.
Cosy space: concave shape for more comfort
Hybrid: utilised both cats and humans
Low height
Small pets
Simple form
Easy to manufacture

Then, we did brainstorming to develop many concepts in order to start sketching.

Finally, once we defined the product, we start to do many variations of it with the purpose to find the most aesthetic and according to our design philosophy.

At the same time, we make a simple mockup to verify the ergonomics and dimensions features.

In collaboration with:

Luis Ramón Recio
Carolina Hernández
Juan Carreto
Miguel Lagarejos

Thank you for your nice team work.


